Is Divorce Mediation the Best Option for Divorce?


Divorce is a trying time for all involved. Divorce mediation helps to alleviate some of the emotional and financial turmoil with a goal of maintaining a future relationship between the parties. In the mediation process, the parties have more control over the process. The parties can explore and agree on creative alternatives to finalize the divorce process.

Some of the items discussed in divorce mediation include, among others:

  1. Parenting plan and custody arrangements
  2. Child support and add on expenses
  3. Maintenance
  4. Debts owed by the parties
  5. Assets of the parties
  6. Benefits (i.e. health, dental, vision, life insurance)
  7. Retirement accounts (i.e. 401k, 403b, IRAs, pensions)

In discussing parenting time and custody arrangements we seek to do what is in the best interest of the children. Generally, if the parties cannot agree on time spent with the children (before any discussion of money), then the mediation process will likely be unsuccessful.

The mediation process follows legal guidelines for distribution of assets and debts, as well as payments of maintenance and child support. However, it also takes into account the costs for the parties to maintain and support two households and both be able to continue to live the lives they are accustomed to.

For more information on divorce mediation, contact Sheree Donath at or click here.

To see if you are a candidate for divorce mediation, click here.

To determine what topics will be discussed at mediation and what documents are helpful to gather for divorce mediation, click here to obtain a checklist.

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