Practice Areas:
- At Will Employment
New York is an employment “at will” state. What this means is that unless you have a contract of employment that sets forth a specific term of employment (set number of years) you are an at will employee. Read more…
- Bullying in the Workplace
Workplace bullying comes in the form of verbal abuse, offensive behaviors that are threatening, humiliating or intimidating, work interference or sabotage that prevents work from getting done. Read more…
- Discrimination
Do you believe that you were discriminated against? Denied a promotion that you deserved? Have you been subjected to a hostile work environment? If so, we can assist you. Read more…
- Family and Medical Leave Act (“FMLA”)
Do you believe that your FMLA rights have been violated? Have you been denied an FMLA leave of absence or even notification that you are entitled to such a leave? Have you been retaliated against for taking an FMLA leave? If so, we can assist you. Read more…
- Job Coaching / Counseling Services click here for more information on how we can help you with, among others, job transitions, performance reviews, performance improvement plans, daily workplace interactions, job departures, workplace investigations, and understanding how to navigate your employment.
- Non-Compete Agreements
You may receive a Non-Compete agreement at various times of your employment: as part of an offer of employment, shortly after you commence employment, during your employment or even upon the termination of your employment. Non-Compete agreements may also be hidden in items such as an employee handbook or a stock award. Read more…
- Offer Letters / Employment Contracts
If you have received an Offer Letter and/or an Employment Contract it is important that it be reviewed prior to your execution. While most people are concerned that any delay in signing and returning an Offer Letter and/or Employment Contract can result in the loss of the job, it may be detrimental not to understand the relation that you are entering into, more specifically – the obligations you may be agreeing to and the rewards that you believe you are to receive. Read more…
- Overtime
Do you believe that you may be entitled to overtime? Do you think your current/former employer has denied you overtime in the past? If so, we can assist you. Read more…
- Resignation
Are you considering resigning from your job? Do you feel that you have no alternate but to resign? If so, we can assist you and guide you through the process. Read more…
- Retaliation
Do you believe that you have been retaliated against? Did you report discrimination and shortly after were you denied a raise? Did you raise concerns of apparent impropriety and were then demoted? If so, we can assist you. Read more…
- Severance Packages
If you have received a severance document or separation package it is important that it be reviewed prior to your execution. Severance packages are legal documents that must be understood prior to signing and returning them to your employer even if they appear simply written. Read more…
- Sexual Harassment
Have you been sexually harassed at work? Have you been forced to listen to incessant, offensive, sexually themed dirty jokes? Have you been repeatedly asked out on dates by your superior, despite your continued denial? Have you been promised rewards in exchange for sexual favors? Have you been denied promised items because you have rejected sexual advances? If so, we can assist you. Read more…