What is Your Ideal Job Offer? Rank Your Priorities

Amidst the uncertainty in today’s world, one thing you can do is determine what your ideal job would look like if you had the ability to choose or create that role. Whether you are currently working from home, are working part time or are presently unemployed, now is a good time to reflect upon life and assess what is truly important to you in the future. In doing so, one thing to evaluate is what you want (or expect) from your job or your employer. There are many items to consider. Some of the considerations may be essential and others nothing more than a dream, but ultimately, if you don’t know what you are looking for, then you will never be able to achieve your goal.

So during this period of reflection, take the time and rank your job priorities. Below is an non-exhaustive list of items for consideration. Review them, consider them, then make a list in order of importance to you. This list is not in any particular order and is not meant to sway your decision as to importance. What is valuable to you, may not be valuable to your spouse, friend, relative, colleague, or a stranger on the street. This list is meant simply to assist you in creating your own categorization of what you are looking for in the currently changing world and job market. In creating your list, keep this thought in mind: in order to be truly happy with my job/career, I would like my job to offer … . Now start to create a list that you can use to obtain your goal.

Start your list with, “I am seeking the following from my job/career” and begin ranking your priorities so that you can negotiate these terms into your next offer letter/employment contract.

(a) How are you looking to be compensated? salary, commission, bonuses, equity, stock options, deferred compensation

(b) Will you receive or do you need health insurance?

(c) Are you looking for a flexible work schedule?

(d) Are you looking for the ability to work from home?

(e) Will you be required to relocate yourself and/or your family?

(f) Will you be subject to restrictions on your future employment (i.e. no non-solicitation or non-compete provisions) or will you have the freedom to change jobs?

(g) Are you going to be an at will employee or will you receive a contract with a set term of employment?

(h) Will you receive severance if you are terminated without cause or resign for good reason?

(i) Do you want/need paid vacation time? Paid sick leave? Paid time off?

(j) Are you looking to be a partner? Owner? Employee? Consultant?

(k) Do you want a specific title?

(l) Is this a position with promotional opportunities?

(m) Will you have direct or indirect reports? Do you want to manage others?

(n) Will you receive expense reimbursements?

(o) Are you being offered perks like gym membership, car allowance, monthly stipend, free coffee, etc.?

(p) Will you be working in a collaborative work environment?

(q) Do you have the ability to work on your own and without much oversight?

(r) Is there frequent business travel or no business travel at all?

Remember in making your list, that the above is not exclusive, so do not forget to add additional items to your list that are not listed above but may be extremely important to you.

Click here to contact Sheree Donath to schedule a consultation to obtain assistance in negotiating terms of new employment or if you have received a job offer that you would like to have reviewed, discussed and negotiated.

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